Wednesday, August 25, 2021

How I made a paper plane

 I made a paper aeroplane with my mum in lockdown today I  watched a video on how to build a plane. 

                                  these two photos are me making the paper plane 

4 things to consider when building a paper plane 
Drag,thrust,lift and gravity 

For me it was really hard folding because I couldn't get it perfect. I was rushing and the folds didn't meet properly. In the end I finally did it. the first flight was a bit crooked then on the second flight it flew better and went further. I didn't make any changes. I  was happy with it. 


  1. Good on you from perservering. That's often where the magic happens. Well done!!

  2. Hi Vaughan

    Paper folding can be a tricky thing, I've got a lot of unfinished origami projects lying about the place. When you manage to make it , it's so satisfying. Good on you!

  3. Hi Vaughan, Its great to see you trying out new things at home at this time. Paper planes are definitely an art that I have never quite mastered, so well done you!

  4. Good work Vaughan, the important part is that you keep perfecting your skills.

  5. What a cool idea to do in lockdown, I wish I had thought of that.

  6. Hi Vaughan,
    Well done for working on your own science ideas and making this paper plane during lockdown- some of that was covered in our unit entitled Forces and Motion in Term 1. Ka pai.
